This is my latest Photographic Album presence on the Web. These pages will likely be updated as sporadically as any others that I may have done. There's no telling what will happen next.....
I might mention that some of my early stuff has been moved from other sites and was originally captured via scanned 35mm slide film. Some of them now appear a little gloomy, probably reflecting the original conditions. The scanner wasn't the best and my efforts probably not either.
Later pictures were taken with a Canon S10 digital camera with a somewhat limited dynamic range, on to a Canon G3 with much better performance and then to SLR's through from a Canon 350D to a Canon 5DMKII with a variety of lenses.
I also acquired a Canon A80 for use on a kaper (kite) rig so this camera also makes an appearance.
Note: ALL images are copyright 2013 and may not be used for commercial purposes without permission. If you choose to use any material from this site for non-commercial purposes then full acknowledgment must be displayed with the material.